Shadow's Herd

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Game Rules
Angel's Black Royal 0 367 by Angel's Black Royal
Apr 3, 2011 12:02:09 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Home at last
Larka 4 184 by Larka
Jun 28, 2011 2:51:59 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling CLAIM!
Larka 4 162 by Larka
Jun 4, 2011 10:05:50 GMT -5


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Board Description
Shadow's Herd
The land that lays upon here ranges from open patches of land to parts of land that is covered in greenery. Rolling hill and steep sloped hills give off to the land like nothing you could catch anywhere else. A single river devides part of the land off from the mountains that give great protection from open land creatures, and are nearly deprived of the mountain lions, one or two only of which still strive here. Small ponds and streams can give gentle cool offs all year around and provide the animals here with water everyday for water is never too far away. Only 2-5 miles apart from each other.
Stallion: Shadow in the Night/Shadow
Lead Mare: N/A
Mares: N/A
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