Elementry School

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Angel's Black Royal 0 367 by Angel's Black Royal
Apr 3, 2011 12:02:09 GMT -5


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Elementry School

Kids start Kindergarten at the age of 5 years old. The grades here are Kindergarten to Fifth grade.
The playground is up on a hill with a small soccer field to the left behind the playground. A basketball court and teatherball and foursquare is on the cement below the playground by the building. Jump ropes and balls are kept right inside the doors.
Breakfast and Lunch is served as is snakes. There are 7 subjects, but kindergarten to fourth grade stay in class for most. Art, Gyn and time in the library are in seperate rooms. Bathrooms are offered at different times. You have rescess in the morning, after lunch and after school. Kindergarten is the only grade that gets naps toward the end of the day. Fifth grade classes are much like others, but Math, Science and Social Studies are in different Class rooms as well.
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